The benefits of self-scanning for the shopper

By using self-scanning, customers gain greater control over their own shopping experience. This enables them to pack the products already in store, and to avoid annoying or time-consuming moments that are associated with more traditional in-store shopping. Moreover, the shopping trip is usually faster when using self-scanning. Learn more about the shopper benefits of self-scanning here!

 How does self-scanning work?

Although the technology behind self-scanning is highly advanced and requires specialized expertise to implement, the experience for the shopper is straightforward, with no significant need for technical knowledge.

This is what a typical shopping trip looks like for the customer who uses self-scanning:

  1. The shopper enters the store and picks up a self-scanning device at the store entrance. These devices are usually located directly at the store entrance and are thereafter used during the entire shopping trip. Sometimes the use of a scanning device requires a membership with the store.

    Certain stores also provide the opportunity to self-scan using the phone, instead of with a separate scanning device. In that case, the customer only has to open a specific app on their phone when entering the store, to begin the self-scanning process.

  2. During the shopping trip, the shopper scans and packs their products as the trip proceeds. Discounts, information or other offers are directly shown on the screen, providing the customer with instant information about the product’s ingredients, allergens and prices. 

    Since there is no need to put the products on the conveyor belt at the cash register, the products can be packed already when scanned in store.

  3. When the shopping trip is completed, the shopper uses the payment tower in the check-out area, or a pre-registered credit card in the app (when scanning with the phone). Nowadays, also tap-to-pay solutions are available. Either way, the long queues are avoided, and the shopper can exit the store.


What are the benefits for shoppers using self-scanning?

There are several benefits associated with self-scanning, although some are not always obvious at first. Here are some benefits for customers who use self-scanning when shopping:

Reduced shopping time

Research shows that the shopping time is reduced when the shopper is using self-scanning, compared to traditional shopping. There is up to 15 minutes reduction in shopping time on an average shopping trip, and even more if counting the time from door-to-door.

By using self-scanning, queues at the cash register are avoided, as well as the time for un-packing and re-packing the items at the conveyor belt. When shopping during rush hour, these positive effects are particularly noticeable.

This makes self-scanning a good alternative for those who are in a rush, or simply wants to minimize the time spent by conveyor belts or in queues.

Real-time overview of scanned items

With self-scanning, the shoppers get a real-time overview of all scanned items, including prices, discounts and the total sum. As soon as a product has been scanned, it will show up on screen with all necessary information.

This is a great way to avoid unpleasant surprises at the cash register, and to make sure that all discounts and offers are applied. Moreover, with the possibility to remove scanned items, one can make sure that scanning errors are minimized.

Scan and bag items at your own pace

With self-scanning, it is possible to scan and bag items in one’s own pace, throughout the shopping trip. The elimination of unpacking-and repacking at the conveyor belt makes it possible to pack all products as soon as they are scanned, eliminating stressful packing situations or heavy lifts by the cash register.

By scanning and packing the items immediately, the self-scanning solution is also suitable  for:

  • Customers doing their weekly shopping

  • Customers shopping in large quantities

  • Customers shopping items that are large and heavy

  • Customers who are elderly, frail or has limited mobility

User-friendly software

One common barrier to using self-scanning is that customers feel they lack the technical knowledge required to self-scan. However, when using the self-scanning from EasyShop, the software is user friendly – and appreciated by various user groups and ages. The interface is intuitive and easy to understand, and it is a simple task to add or remove items.

By having a user-friendly software and interface, it removes barriers for customers who are cautious about self-scanning.

Easy overview of available in-store offers

Shoppers using self-scanning do not have to wait for the receipt in order to control that all discounts and offers have been applied. Due to the possible integration with the retailers’ existing systems, it is possible to get information about available discounts and other offers – directly when scanning. Moreover, when scanning discounted products, the price reduction is showed immediately.

This way, the risk of customers missing out on store discounts is minimal, which further adds value to the shopping experience.

Create the shopping list online – easily accessed in store

A shopping list can be a helpful way to coordinate required items with existing items at home, as well as to make sure that nothing is forgotten when shopping.

An appreciated EasyShop feature is the possibility to create a shopping list at home, which is thereafter visible on-screen during the shopping trip. This way, customers can keep track of all products that are on the list, with a reduced risk of forgetting any items.


Detailed product information on items scanned, such as content or allergens

For some customers it is vital to have knowledge about the content of the products they purchase. There are various reasons for this requirement such as allergies, diets or specific preferences.

With the self-scanning software from EasyShop, the retailer’s information about the products can be shown immediately after scanning. This way, shoppers will gain the necessary information they need in order to make a conscious decision – also when self-scanning.


Is self-scanning beneficial for end-customers only?

While the many positive effects of self-scanning has been listed, it is not only the end-customers that benefit from such solution. Also retailers can benefit from implementing such feature in their stores.

Learn more about the benefits of self-scanning for retailers here

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