Enhance the shopping experience with self-scanning
Self-scanning is transforming the way we shop. By implementing self-scanning, retailers can offer a faster, more convenient and efficient checkout experience.
Whether through smartphones or dedicated scanning devices, self-scanning empowers your customers while enhancing store operations.
Discover how this innovative solution can elevate your retail experience and meet the demands of modern shoppers!

This is self-scanning
What does self-scanning mean?
Self-scanning in retail means shoppers use a handheld device to scan product barcodes as they shop. Unlike traditional self-checkout, all items are scanned during the shopping trip, eliminating the need to unpack and re-pack at the checkout. Self-scanning is also known as ‘scan-and-go’.
How does self-scanning work?
Self-scanning is easy! As the shopper enter the store, they either grab a dedicated self-scanning device, or use their smartphone, to scan the items during the trip. When the shopping trip has been completed, a designated area allows the shoppers to pay and exit the store - without any queues.

Discover the advantages of self-scanning
Benefits for the shopper
Self-scanning brings several benefits for the shopper. While staying in control during the whole shopping trip, the customer can also avoid tedious and time-consuming tasks. This has positive effects on satisfaction, loyalty and store preference.
Benefits for the retailer
Retailers can also benefit from implementing a self-scanning solution: more satisfied customers, better control over shrinkage, and the ability to redirect staff resources to other tasks are just a few of the advantages.

Smartphone or dedicated device?
Scan using your phone!
A smart self-scanning solution can be integrated for use with the smartphone - a great way to implement self-scanning in a cost-efficent and easy way. Integrate it with an existing customer app for a seamless shopping experience.
Use dedicated self-scanning devices
Self-scanning devices can be a helpful tool during the shopping trip - especially for stores where the basket size is large! By combining powerful hardware with smart software, your shopper will get the ultimate shopping experience.