Bring your own device – for self scanning
A self-scanning alternative that has recently increased in popularity is the bring-your-own-device (BYOD) solution. When this is implemented, customers can use their own phones to scan the products in the store. But how does this work, and who can use it? Also, what are the benefits of this, compared to other alternatives out there? Learn more about bring-your-own-device (BYOD) self-scanning here!
What is bring your own device (BYOD) self-scanning?
Bring-your-own-device means that the shoppers are using their own smartphones or surf pads in order to scan the products at a store. When entering the store, the shopper opens the app on their own device, and uses the scanning function of the camera to scan the products throughout the shopping trip. Discounts and other benefits from the loyalty program, are added in the app as the shopping trip progresses. When the shopping trip is completed, the shoppers pay through the app and can leave the store without having to queue in line at the cash register.
An alternative to BYOD is retailer-owned device, abbreviated ROD. When having a ROD solution in place, the retailer is providing scanning devices ready for the shoppers to use, usually placed at the store entrance. These devices are used during the shopping trip for scanning the products and are thereafter placed in a docking station at the store exit. The functionality can be the same, where the only difference between BYOD and ROD is who’s device is being used – the shoppers, or the retailers.
What is needed to self-scan with bring-your-own device?
For retailers
As with retailer-owned devices, there is some in-store infrastructure that needs to be in place in order for the self-scanning to run smoothly and to minimize shrinkage. A check-out area is usually a good idea, as it allows staff members to do age controls, random checks and to help out with shoppers’ enquiries.
In some areas, it is also common to also install gates where people who self-scan needs to scan a barcode in order to exit the store. Usually this barcode is provided in the self-scanning app, or on the receipt.
While enjoying the self-scanning journey with a BYOD setup, some customers still prefer to receive a receipt that is printed out. Thereby, adding one or several check-out towers can be a good idea for an enhanced customer experience.
Apart from the physical requirements, there is also a need to integrate the self-scanning solution with the POS, loyalty systems and also the payment solution. If the payment is integrated with the self-scanning app, digital receipts need to be manageable as well.
For shoppers
When it comes to BYOD, there are some limitations to which shoppers that can use it. Usually shoppers needs to have a membership at the store, in order to use the self-scanning feature with their own devices. This is because of payment – and customization options.
Another requirement is the one for the devices that the shoppers have. Retailers have their own apps that needs to be downloaded from App store or Google Play, which therefore requires sufficient available storage on the customer’s device. Also, there might be specific technical requirements to ensure that the app can run smoothly. For example, the scanning function of the device’s camera has to be good enough to scan the barcode on the products.
It is not necessary to have more than one app, even when adding the BYOD function. With the EasyShop solution, the self-scanning feature can be directly integrated with an existing loyalty app, minimizing the number of apps needed. Moreover, available loyalty programs or discounts can be applied directly when shopping, for a smooth shopping experience.
What are the benefits of using BYOD for self-scanning?
Convenient for shoppers
Similar to other self-scanning options, the BYOD approach adds a level of convenience that more traditional shopping methods have a hard time competing with.
As the level of maturity regarding smartphone usage has increased, most of the shoppers have become accustomed to using various types of apps in their daily life. Therefore, adding the self-scanning feature would not be as large barrier as one would think.
Using one’s own device is a quick and easy way to utilize the existing technology that one has already been familiarized with. Moreover, if the self-scanning feature is a part of an already existing app, it will become less of an obstacle to comprehend and to navigate.
By saving information such as shopping lists, discounts and payment method, the shoppers are offered a seamless experience – while using their own device only.
Possibility to integrate with existing apps
Integrating the self-scanning function with an existing loyalty- or member app is a great way to collect all necessary information and functions in one place.
Moreover, it is a smart move when trying to maximize app usage, and to make sure that the end-user’s shopping experience is easy and convenient. The self-scanning becomes a natural part of the shopping trip, and with the customized features it can ensure that customers does not miss out on discounts, offers or other opportunities.
Cost efficient for retailers
Offering BYOD to customers can be a cost-efficient alternative for retailers wanting to provide a self-scanning alternative, without having to invest in a lot of hardware. Compared to having retailer-owned devices, the BYOD alternative can result in a smaller initial investment since no self-scanning devices needs to be purchased.
Also, if an existing loyalty app is already available to customers, the retailer does not have to build a new app from scratch, which could be another way to cut costs. Integrating APIs and making the necessary modifications to the existing app can be sufficient to integrate the self-scanning feature.
What does the experts say?
Self-scanning with the customers’ own devices is a relatively new concept, and some retailers are cautious about implementing a BYOD solution, with the fear of low usage or complications.
“One of the main reasons behind implementing the bring-your-own device solution is the low hardware costs, meaning that the initial investment for the retailer is relatively small. However, the BYOD solution tends to generate a lower amount of usage, which is something one must tend into consideration”, says Fredrik Englund, Managing Director at Datema Retail.
More people are starting to notice the benefits of self-scanning with their phones